I'm in the process of building a new MythTV front end using a Raspberry Pi 3 to replace our aging VIA EPIA M10000, which has been in use since about 2003.
For MythTV, I'm using MythTV Light from Peter Bennett. I have a dedicated back end that lives in the garage, so the front end is nice and easy. With the VIA front end, I built an IR receiver that plugs into the serial port. For the new box, I decided to try using a Sapphire Remote using Mark Lord's excellent looking driver. However, since his driver uses a Makefile which just install the module into the right place, I decided to use the Debian way of doing things. Below is my approach.
apt-get install raspberrypi-kernel-headers dkms
Download the tar ball from
http://rtr.ca/sapphire_remote/. Extract it in
/usr/src/modules and then rename the directory to
sapphire-remote-6.6 (the version may differ!). Put the following into a file called
dkms.conf in that directory:
# Items below here should not have to change with each driver version
MAKE[0]="make -C ${kernel_source_dir} SUBDIRS=${dkms_tree}/${PACKAGE_NAME}/${PACKAGE_VERSION}/build modules"
CLEAN="make -C ${kernel_source_dir} SUBDIRS=${dkms_tree}/${PACKAGE_NAME}/${PACKAGE_VERSION}/build clean"
And then run:
dkms add -m sapphire-remote -v $version
dkms build -m sapphire-remote -v $version
dkms install -m sapphire-remote -v $version
modprobe sapphire-remote
dmesg | tail
You should see something like this at the bottom of that
dmesg | tail command:
[89133.468858] sapphire_init: sapphire remote control driver v6.6
[89133.469680] input: sapphire as /devices/virtual/input/input0