Brenda on :
wtf? andrew's a geek?
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Tuesday, September 12. 2006A not-so-geeky blog
So after throwing a tanty the other night about how 'geeky' our new found blog had become, I've decided to do something about it!
Although I'm not an official IT geek, admittedly I am still a geek. I have a folder called 'Geek Stuff' in my email which contains a number of geeky emails, whenever Andrew gets a new geek-toy I ask him where mine is, and I understand geek-speak to the extent that I can hold my own at Andrew's work drinks (well, I like to think I can). In fact, at work I'm the resident IT expert because firstly, every time my colleagues come to me for IT help I tell them to shut down their computer, which magically fixes what ever it was that was broken in the first place, and secondly, every time our proper-work-IT-geeks announce they're upgrading our system, I tell my colleagues the upgrade will lead to 'an unexplained outage' (which it inevitably does). My geek status is raised higher still because I operate a dual boot machine at home, I have a GPG key and I write geek-code to update our website (of which my page is very out of date; I've just been too busy). Although I have this claim to fame, the non-geek in me vowed this blog would not become a complete geek-zone. So to tone down the geekness, I've posted these spectulations about my geeky husband, which I'm sure wives-of-geeks worldwide recognise in their geeky husbands:
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Brenda on :
wtf? andrew's a geek?
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Hamish on :
Then you might like this: Comments (3)
Susanne on :
So We've both taken the test. I scored 16.96252% which means I am Geek. Whereas Andrew scored 43.19527% and is a Major Geek. Thankfully he's not a Dysfunctional Geek!
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Andrew on :
Hmmmm... Coming in at 47.14004% would mean that I am a "Super Geek" except that I think that the test itself is missing geek factors like knowing what a '4004' was, accessing a bulletin board using an accoustic coupled modem, running a bulletin board, programming in more than one assembly language and other such things that might make me a vintage geek emeritus.
Of course Heather did this test yonks ago and agrees that she is a complete geek as well, but can't remember her score ![]() Comment (1)
Hamish on :
If you were wondering. Comments (3)
Hamish on :
Anna just took the geek test.
22.7% Does that make me more, or less cool? Comments (3)
Susanne Ruthven on :
Heehee, looks like you've been out-geeked by a girl!
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Graeme on :
But I'm hadicapped by never having an interest in stuff like role playing or computer games. A bit like Amdrew M, it would be good to be able to claim credit for things in the past like debugging mainframe operating systems and hand-coding patches in hex. Not to mention diagnosing and repairing hardware faults on mainframes (as a software person), being able to decode Bisync, SNA, X.25 and ICL-C03 data streams, etc. Say what? Is it any coincidence that I can identify with Sid in User Friendly, but without the beard? Good to see Andrew keeping up the family tradition! Comment (1)
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