The newest addition to the Ruthven family shot into this world with great gusto and enthusasim on Thursday morning. Dad was in great shock at being woken up at 2:20 am, when contractions began, then a mere 2 hours later at 4:32 holding his son - Adam Ruthven. Mum was in even greater shock at arriving at the hospital to be told that she was ready to push!
Mum & Dad are both incredibly proud of Adam, weighing in at 3.6kg (7lb 15oz).
Dad & Brooke brought Mum & Adam home on Friday morning, where we've had to readjust to once again having sleep deprivation.
Brooke is thoroughly enjoying having a baby brother. She is being a perfect big sister, helping us care for Adam, even helping with nappy changes! (We're hopeful this will continue...)