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Let's Encrypt with Octavia in OpenStack Posted by Andrew Ruthven
Comments (0) Trackbacks (0) Let's Encrypt with Octavia in OpenStackI like using Catalyst Cloud to host some of my personal sites. In the past I used to use CAcert for my TLS certificates, but more recently I've been using Let's Encrypt for my TLS certificates as they're trusted in all browsers. Currently the LoadBalancer as a Service (LBaaS) in Catalyst Cloud doesn't have built in support for Let's Encrypt. I could use an apache2/nginx proxy and handle the TLS termination there and have that manage the Let's Encrypt lifecycle, but really, I'd rather use LBaaS. So I thought I'd set about working out how to get Dehydrated (the Let's Encrypt client I've been using) to drive LBaaS (known as Octavia). I figured this would be of interest to other people using Octavia with OpenStack in general, not just Catalyst Cloud. There's a few things you need to do. These instructions are specific to Debian:
As we're using HTTP-01 Challenge Type here, you need to have the LoadBalancer forwarding port 80 to your website to allow for the challenge response. It is good practice to have a redirect to HTTPS, here's an example virtual host for Apache: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName www.example.com ServerAlias example.com RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^/.well-known/ - [L] RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ https://www.example.com/$1 [R=301,L] <Location /> Require all granted </Location> </VirtualHost>You all also need this in /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/letsencrypt.conf: Alias /.well-known/acme-challenge /var/lib/dehydrated/acme-challenges <Directory /var/lib/dehydrated/acme-challenges> Options None AllowOverride None # Apache 2.x <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c> Order allow,deny Allow from all </IfModule> # Apache 2.4 <IfModule mod_authz_core.c> Require all granted </IfModule> </Directory> And that should be all that you need to do. Now, when Dehydrated updates your certificate, it should update your LoadBalancer as well! Sample hook.sh:deploy_cert() { local DOMAIN="${1}" KEYFILE="${2}" CERTFILE="${3}" FULLCHAINFILE="${4}" \ CHAINFILE="${5}" TIMESTAMP="${6}" shift 6 # File contents should be: # export OS_PASSWORD='your password in here' . /etc/dehydrated/catalystcloud/password # OpenRC file from the Catalyst Cloud dashboard . /etc/dehydrated/catalystcloud/openrc.sh --no-token # UUID of the LoadBalancer to be managed LB_LISTENER='xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' # Barbican uses P12 files, we need to make one. P12=$(readlink -f $KEYFILE \ | sed -E 's/privkey-([0-9]+)\.pem/barbican-\1.p12/') openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey $KEYFILE -in $CERTFILE -certfile \ $FULLCHAINFILE -passout pass: -out $P12 # Keep track of existing certs for this domain (hopefully no more than 100) EXISTING_URIS=$(openstack secret list --limit 100 \ -c Name -c 'Secret href' -f json \ | jq -r ".[]|select(.Name | startswith(\"$DOMAIN\"))|.\"Secret href\"") # Upload the new cert NOW=$(date +"%s") openstack secret store --name $DOMAIN-$TIMESTAMP-$NOW -e base64 \ -t "application/octet-stream" --payload="$(base64 < $P12)" NEW_URI=$(openstack secret list --name $DOMAIN-$TIMESTAMP-$NOW \ -c 'Secret href' -f value) \ || unset NEW_URI # Change LoadBalancer to use new cert - if the old one was the default, # change the default. If the old one was in the SNI list, update the # SNI list. if [ -n "$EXISTING_URIS" ]; then DEFAULT_CONTAINER=$(openstack loadbalancer listener show $LB_LISTENER \ -c default_tls_container_ref -f value) for URI in $EXISTING_URIS; do if [ "x$URI" = "x$DEFAULT_CONTAINER" ]; then openstack loadbalancer listener set $LB_LISTENER \ --default-tls-container-ref $NEW_URI fi done SNI_CONTAINERS=$(openstack loadbalancer listener show $LB_LISTENER \ -c sni_container_refs -f value | sed "s/'//g" | sed 's/^\[//' \ | sed 's/\]$//' | sed "s/,//g") for URI in $EXISTING_URIS; do if echo $SNI_CONTAINERS | grep -q $URI; then SNI_CONTAINERS=$(echo $SNI_CONTAINERS | sed "s,$URI,$NEW_URI,") openstack loadbalancer listener set $LB_LISTENER \ --sni-container-refs $SNI_CONTAINERS fi done # Remove old certs for URI in $EXISTING_URIS; do openstack secret delete $URI done fi } HANDLER="$1"; shift #if [[ "${HANDLER}" =~ ^(deploy_challenge|clean_challenge|sync_cert|deploy_cert|deploy_ocsp|unchanged_cert|invalid_challenge|request_failure|generate_csr|startup_hook|exit_hook)$ ]]; then if [[ "${HANDLER}" =~ ^(deploy_cert)$ ]]; then "$HANDLER" "$@" fi Tuesday, January 28. 2014
Laptops and networks Posted by Andrew Ruthven
in catalyst, family at
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Back in the old days, we had workstations. And only workstations. They lived on a network, and having them work in that network was simple. Printers just worked (thank you printcap), network shares just worked (thank you NFS) and life was good.
Then along came laptops. We wanted to be more mobile, using our laptops on different networks or even without a network! No one wanted hardcoded printers anymore, or network shares defined in /etc/fstab. Using an Automounter was an option, but if you were on a different network then having the Automounter around would stall tools like nautilus and file indexers etc. So we need something which can start up relevant services when you connect to a network, and then stop them when you leave that network. To support this, a few years ago I wrote a NetworkManager dispatcher.d script to do just that. When you connect to a specific network (using the NetworkManager UUID or a specific gateway MAC) or a VPN connection then autofs is started, users GTK bookmarks have any bookmarks for their Network shares added and CUPS is restarted. When the connection goes away, then autofs is stopped, any GTK bookmarks for the Network shares are removed and any mounts for the Network shares are lazily unmounted. I'm not sure if this will of use to anyone else, but if it is I'd love to hear from you. You can browse the code or clone the repo. Included are sample autofs config files, the dispatcher, and the tools for managing the GTK bookmark files. Tuesday, July 21. 2009
LCA2010 - Call for Papers - closing ... Posted by Andrew Ruthven
in catalyst, family at
Comments (0) Trackbacks (0) LCA2010 - Call for Papers - closing soon!
Wow, the linux.conf.au 2010 team have had a an awesome response to our Call for Miniconfs with over 32 amazing submissions. But the work isn't over yet!
Our Call for Papers is still open, but closes on Friday. That's right, Friday. If you'd like the opportunity to speak at one of the best FOSS conferences in the world, this is your chance, we want to hear from you! For more information about submitting a paper, have a look at the Papers Info page on our website. Thursday, December 13. 2007MythTV Status in your MOTD (and email) - Version 0.6.1
I'm pleased to announce a new version of my little script - 0.6.1.
Update: I've disabled comments for now as I'm tired of all the spam. Thursday, November 22. 2007
MythTV Status in your MOTD (and ... Posted by Andrew Ruthven
in catalyst at
Comments (0) Trackbacks (0) MythTV Status in your MOTD (and email) - Version 0.5.1
I'm pleased to announce a new version of my little script -
Thursday, November 15. 2007
MythTV Status in your MOTD Posted by Andrew Ruthven
in catalyst at
Comments (0) Trackbacks (0) MythTV Status in your MOTD
The other day I was recompiling some kernels during the day on our
MythTV backend, which at the time happened to be recording my wifes
favourite program (Grey's Anatomy, we discovered it part way through the
season, so the repeats are good). It turns out the compilation caused
some issues with the recording (which reduced the WAF).
MythTV status for localhost =========================== Status: Mon Oct 15 2007, 8:41 AM Encoders: cerberus (9) - Idle cerberus (12) - Idle Scheduled Recordings: 2007-10-15 13:30:00 - Grey's Anatomy 2007-10-15 18:00:00 - 3 News 2007-10-15 20:30:00 - Mythbusters 2007-10-15 22:00:00 - Flight Of The Conchords 2007-10-16 13:30:00 - Grey's Anatomy 2007-10-16 18:00:00 - 3 NewsI run Debian, so there is a .deb. For those not running Debian there is a tarball (but the MOTD updating glue is Debian specific at the moment). For those interested in hacking there is a git repository.
Wednesday, March 14. 2007IPv6 Firewalling
Firewalling IPv6 on Linux seems to be a vaguely documented topic, and most of that documentation seems to be out of date as it is a fast moving target. I've spent a bit of time over the last couple of days working on improving my firewalling situation and thought I should write up what I've found.
After a bit of digging I found that while IPv6 connection tracking was merged in 2.6.16, the configuration options are somewhat hidden. Up until yesterday I was running 2.6.19.x on my firewall and I discovered that while ip6tables allowed me to configure a stateful firewall, it wasn't actually doing anything! I looked around for the required nf_conntrack_ipv6 module and couldn't find it. I looked in my running kernels config and couldn't find it. In fact I couldn't find any option for enabling IPv6 connection tracking at all. After some digging (grep'ing the Kconfig files helps) I found that I needed to change over to the new (experimental) Layer 3 Independent Connection tracking support. The catch here is that if you have the old school Connection tracking (CONFIG_IP_NF_CONNTRACK) enabled you'll never see the new independent method (CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK) in menuconfig. Which is why I'd never seen it before. So I disabled CONFIG_IP_NF_CONNTRACK (in IP: Netfilter Configuration), enabled (the now visible) CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK (in Core Netfilter Configuration) went into both the IP and IPv6 Netfilter Configuration menus and selected support for the connection tracking option. Compiled, installed and rebooted. Suddenly I had IPv6 connection tracking working. w00t! But no IPv4 NAT. Damn. It turns out that IPv4 NAT support was only ported to the new Layer 3 Independent Connection stuff in 2.6.20. So I downloaded, jumped into the IP: Netfilter Configuration menu and found "Full NAT". That's what I want. Compiled, installed and rebooted. Now I have my old IPv4 NAT working, and a full stateful IPv6 firewall (with no NAT!). Oh, if you are using IPv6 stateful firewalling with Linux then you want to upgrade to, it fixes an issue with incorrectly classifying IPv6 fragments as ESTABLISHED and letting them through. Oops. Also, 2.6.20 moves the config options around again... |
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