Entries tagged as photosFriday, March 27. 2009More Brooke Photos!
It seems to have been ages since we last uploaded any photos. Oops.
Thursday, December 18. 2008Brooke - More photos
It seems to have been ages since we last uploaded any photos. Oops. To make up for that here is a double whammy:
Also, a huge congratulations to Susanne's sister Debbie and her husband Jeff for the birth of their first child Ellie on Saturday morning. Sunday, August 3. 2008
Brooke Photos - 13 - 15 Months Posted by Andrew Ruthven
in family at
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Wow, another 3 months, time for some more photos! Brooke has really started walking now, she has two speeds, standing still and 100km/hr. She is definitely keeping us busy!
I've also discovered that I'd forgotten to upload her birthday pictures. I've uploaded them (and a few others) to her 9 - 12 Month album. Oops. In other news, we're now living in Belmont, and enjoying it, even though the lawn is really a swimming pool. Wednesday, April 2. 2008Brooke 9 - 11 Months
We've had some exciting developments with Brooke, she's been crawling and "cruising" for a few months now (she can even crawl up and down stairs!). She finally has teeth! 4 weeks ago a tooth appeared and 6 days later another one popped out next to it. And it looks as though another two are about to come through on the top. Brooke has settled into daycare 5 days a week now that Susanne is back at work, and both of them seem to be loving it!
Brooke's 1st birthday is just over 2 weeks away, wow! Where has the time gone? Here are some 9 - 11 Month photos. I'll upload Brooke's 12 month photos into that album shortly after her birthday so I can include some birthday pictures. Wednesday, December 19. 2007
Brooke Photos - 5 - 8 Months Posted by Andrew Ruthven
in family at
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Wow, we've been busy! Has it really been that long since we last uploaded any photos? As a bonus here are photos of Brooke between 5 and 8 months.
The current exciting news is that Brooke has started crawling, not very fast yet, but she is getting faster! Andrew's Mum has also uploaded some more photos. Friday, October 5. 2007
Brooke Photos - 4ish - 5 months Posted by Andrew Ruthven
in family at
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We have another instalment of photos of Brooke.
I've decided to move to a monthly posting of photos instead of every 4 weeks as I had been doing. And yeah, a bit late this time... However, Brooke rolled for the first time a couple of weeks ago. That was pretty exciting! Update: Err, weeks, not months. Saturday, August 18. 2007
Brooke Photos - 12 - 16 weeks Posted by Andrew Ruthven
in family at
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We have another instalment of photos of Brooke.
Wow, not that overdue this time... And a big thank you to Andrew & Heather for the loan of their digital camera which most of our photos of Brooke were taken with, we really appreciated it. Also, Jill (Andrew's Mum) has put up some photos as well. Thanks! Sunday, July 29. 2007
Brooke Photos - 8 - 12 weeks Posted by Andrew Ruthven
in family at
Comments (0) Trackbacks (0) Brooke Photos - 8 - 12 weeksWednesday, June 13. 2007Brooke Photos - 4 - 8 weeks
I've just uploaded some more photos of Brooke, who is now 8 and a half weeks old. Wow!
Update: As of 2007/06/14 Brooke is 12 lb (5.45 kg). Tuesday, May 29. 2007Photos of Brooke
Okay, I've finally uploaded some photos of Brooke. I've decided to try out PicasaWeb, so the photos are here.
Debbie (Susanne's sister) also has a gallery with some photos of Brooke available. Annoyances with F-Spot exporting to PicasaWeb are that it doesn't upload the tags or the comments. Oh, also it doesn't synchronise, it re-exports all the photos each time. Update 1: Actually it does upload the comments, but I didn't notice because the export exports a new copy. So I had to copies of each photo. One with comments, one without. Update 2: And, look, only 6 weeks after Brooke was born, not a year! Update 3: Fix the first link to PicasaWeb. |
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